Hardcover - Used
Non Fiction
The world, however, is a vastly changed place. Being effective as individuals and organizations is no longer merely an option--it's a requirement for survival. But in order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in what Covey calls the "New Knowledge Worker Age," we must build on and move beyond effectiveness. In this era of human history, our call is for greatness--holistic fulfillment, passionate execution, and significant contribution.
Accessing the higher levels of human genius in today's new reality requires a change in thinking: a new mindset and a new skill-set--in short, a new habit. The crucial challenge of our world today is this: to find our voice and inspire others to find theirs. It is what Covey calls the 8th Habit. The 8th Habit is the answer to the soul's yearning for greatness, the organization's imperative for significance and superior results, and humanity's search for its "voice."